Maybe. Anywayv this year is ending. Not sure that I'm lookin forward to next...
O Levels. =(
But anyway, you gotta say that this one was not bad.
Even with stuff like PMR.
Speakin of PMR..
'grats to all who did well.
'grats to all who didn't.
If you did well, you gonna be happy I suppose.
If you didn't do well, oh well. -_- you can try to be happy. end of this year of stupidity (our 2nd)
I will all the videos and the updates.
Yeah, it'll take lots of time...but it's worth it.
what's first? hmm...
...I know...
it's what y'all been waitin for.
yeah. it went along smoothly(?)
Xtreme Hitz wasn't ready, so I burned an A7X disc there. left it behind too =(
Lots of Halo 3 mixed with CoD 4 and a bit of some fighting game..
think it was DC VS Mortal Kombat or something like that.
we watched 4 and a half hours of South Park =D
freakin hilarious. especially and a half hours..haha
the band stuff wasn't that great, but it was still fun.
mostly everyone took turns trying out the drums and the guitar.
yan feng brought an amp so we had an electric, an acoustic and drums.
keyboard didn't work. ask J.
oh yeah, and J kept playing Stand By Me.
the worst was when he played it on my electric, LOUD. in the morning.
when some of us were sleepin.
daaamn, i hate that song now -_-
but yeah J's not bad. Yan feng's drums are OWNAGE. (well at least to [US])
we did Beast and the Harlot by a7x...up to the chorus. my guitar wasn't good enough.
but soon, maybe. yeah.
but what set this JP apart?
well, every year, since P2 i think, we had water fights/battles/wars
depending on size of house and number of people..hehe
but always, the highlights were at MP (my house) and JP.
somehow these two parties had largest number of water guns.
every year, the battles get better and better.
starting around P6, when we had street warfare at my house.
chased JJ and madridista around my neighbourhood
then in sec 1, we had "armour" at JP (boxes)
last year, we had a breakthrough. we played in the rain.
of course, it was disorderly. nobody knew what was happening.
but this year...what happened?
we played. at night.
started at 10pm, finished about 12.30 (past midnight)
it was awesome. not too dark, not too bright. J has quite a few lights in his garden.
we played something like assault in halo3 and CoD4.
simple, really. divided into two teams, 5 of us in assault, 4 in defense.
the defenders get 2 hoses and 2 guns. They defend the hoses.
the attackers get 5 guns, and they need to turn off both hoses to win.
if anyone gets shot, they have to retreat to their starting position.
a bit difficult for the attackers to win though. the game drags very long.
the hose positions were difficult too. the defenders had only 2 approach methods.
oh and although ppl tried hiding in all sorts of really stood out.
let's just say...dumbortz started it. he
that's right. he hid in...the fish pond.
he was hiding underwater...with the hose.
we never saw him coming.
as I ran back, after getting shot, I talked to Elson (on my team):
JA: uhh..elson?
E: yeah?
JA: how long since the pond got cleaned?
E: (laughing) a year ago.
JA: ....
and I thought to myself... how much shit can fish produce in a year?
by the end, nearly everyone had gotten into the pond.
but dumbortz was the only one who went underwater.
he was the only one who itched afterwards.
then we had a power slide competition.
here are the pics and vids.
Disclaimer: this post has tons of 'em. may be laggy.
for the weird pictures of bugs, here are instructions.
1) save all three pictures on your computer
2) put them in a new folder.
3) copy bugsanimation(1).jpg
4) rename it to bugsanimation(4).jpg
5) make sure they are in order. the one without a number first, (4) the last.
6) open the first one and press the right arrow key. continously.
if you did it correctly, you get a stupid animation.
the last two are of us in the pond.
the lighting was poor for camera. so the vid is also dark.
NOTE. there seems to be a problem. i can only insert one. what. the hell.
umm, meet me if you wanna see the others =D
not my fault ok? honest.
anyway, here are some random pics.
first up, I got an a7x tattoo!!!!1!
A Deathbat (their logo) on my hand.
believe it? or not.
I did it with pen. was bored. lol.
then, a pic of my guitar.
remember the ball stuck in the arcade? (previous post)
can't remember who did it. check it out.
but this photo proves that someone else dumber is out there...
and finally, here's one of Diablo 2. It's a RPG on PC.
if you played it before, this photo will be pretty surprising.
look carefully.....
btw, it's a level 99 necromancer with 40 skeletons.
I hacked, ok?
for the rest of the vids, i'm trying to put it in a zip file.
then i'll make it available for download somewhere, k?
so anyway, it's been a good year, overall.
granted, many of the things that were supposed to happen went wrong.
but we should be grateful that so many others went right.
from bein' jackasses at Giant to playing Daytona at the arcade
from retarded school videos to goin to the studio
from frying my router (not literally) to disturbing students at my centre
from capturing the fag in halodude's pool to the mass KS breakout on Bugs' bday
from power slides to burnt pizza
from MP'08 to JP'08 and all the other parties
from Malaysia to Singapore, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand.
it's been one retarded year. thanks for the memories.
Happy New Year.
...And all things will end?
Posted by
United Stupidity
9:20 PM
we made it.
JP is gonna be on the 19th and 20th.
everyone can make it!!! (well..nearly everyone. I'm still persuading)
the freakin' relief...I can't describe it (sounds stupid, I know)
but I tend to get retarded at this kinda stuff.
well..all kinds of stuff.
Posted by
United Stupidity
9:01 PM
things aren't the way they used to be.
seriously...remember that song by Yellowcard? Shadows and Regrets?
I made a post about something like that further down anyway.. see it if you want.
well if you think about it, things have changed a lot since back then.
most obvious, we don't have enough time. we're all busy with schedules and stuff.
so arranging stuff...lke, a party, is more difficult. (know what I'm gettin at?)
k. enough already. bad news. JP is going to shit.
...why am I not surprised?
here's the situation:
JP takes place on the 18th and 19th.
Current details -
Halodude is on holiday. He's out.
S0aP L0Rd is going on school trip.
I've got some course and shit on the 17th and 18th.
Dumbortz is in Korea.
Street2Fifa probably won't make it if I don't go.
(anyway he's in deep shit for something)
and that's not all.
Uncle Tai has gone to KL. So we have to take our own transport.
And how we gonna do that? This ain't a few years ago.
Find someone's parents who are willing to drive us to Kulai? we take taxi.
Aha, a good solution!
BUT...some of our parents won't allow us to take taxi all the way to Kulai.
So if we go ahead with the arranged date...
here's who is turning up
Lord Megadeath
J0N0 (?)
Dumbortz (?)
Not sure if J0N0's dad will let him take taxi...
and if Dumbortz can, or if he's back from Korea.
...see the problem?
and we won't have 8 player 360 (cuz only I have the xbox wireless adapter)
and the electric guitar (I'm the only one)
and XtRemE HitZ (duh)
and the South Park season (by Street2Fifa)
and the extra laptops for LAN (soap lord too)
and the controllers and 360 (halodude)
and even the water guns (dumbortz??? u there?)
well, there's an alternative though.
if J can move it to the 19th and 20th. IF.
now this is where it gets tricky.
my dad has volunteered to bring me, and TWO of us, to JP.
here's the catch.
the two of them...are J0N0 and street2fifa.
don't ask why. I can't answer any better than you can.
I can only bring the electric guitar if the two of them ONLY go. should be pretty obvious.
would I trade a piece of metal and wires for y'all?
its bros before hos. (assumin my guitar is a girl)
so we'll just make do with acoustics.
my dad only will take the two of them, ANYWAY.
plus our luggage, my car's gonna be pretty full.
tried bargaining..didn't work.
lucky enough that we've got half the transport ready.
for the others, i suppose you should go ahead with the original plan, except its on the 19th instead.
Uncle Tai is sending us back so don't worry about that.
so..this plan all depends on asking J to convince his parents to postpone it.
well, I tried asking him last night.
unfortunately, he seems a little more dense than usual.
he laughed a lot and then the line was cut.
so I called again. and he said, well, it's your loss...not mine.
also, he said his balls were with bugs, so he couldn't talk properly.
good explanation? retarded one I guess.
and anyway...I'm waiting.
No answer from his phone. and time grows shorter...
so anyway, I'll post again when I get the news.
for now, when it comes, if it comes...
all of you who get to go, enjoy it.
cuz things change over time...
and how long do you think this will last?
*update* Dumbortz is back from Korea. probably can make it
Posted by
United Stupidity
10:22 PM
Prepare Yourselves. It's Coming.
I'm sure y'all know what "it" is.
Well, it's not what you think it may be. (especially Bugs)
Its probably what you think it could be, especially what you hope it will be.
18 - 19 December (well duh)
who's goin? as far as I know...
S0ap LorD
Lord Megadeth
and of
too bad Halodude couldn't make it.
He's missed FIVE PARTIES already (two JPs, two MPs and Bugs' bday)
let's leave three lines in this post as a mark of respect.
As I was saying...
We're meeting at Sweethome Kopitiam (Taman Pelangi, near Leisure Mall)
Bugs kopitiam is closed. on thursdays. so we meet next door =D (which is Sweethome)
at 12 noon. have your own lunch first (you can always eat there lol)
At least RM15
Uncle Tai is away, so we'll need to order 2 taxis to bring us to Kulai.
If the cost is lower, keep your money!
Simple. Sweet. Effective. Expensive?
Also -
Water Guns (empty balloons too)
Consoles (Lord Megadeth BRING YOUR 360 OMG PLS)
anything else you want.
I'm burnin an unusual number of CDs.
At least one A7X, one for Anberlin, 2 metal compilations and of course, XtreMe HitZ.
Street2Fifa is bringing a SEASON of South Park. it's freaking funny.
Well, that's all the news on JP I suppose.
Videos and shit coming next post (sorry, I know. Keep getting delayed)
oh and...I GOT AN ELECTRIC GUITAR!!! (next post too)
Posted by
United Stupidity
11:23 AM