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YouTube: Gateway To Stupidity

Well yeah.
Here are some YouTube videos. Watch them and DIE (of laughter)

Blame Halo 3

This is a parody of Akon's Sorry Blame It On Me.
It's about this guy who's been causing problems for his wife due to Halo 3.
So he sings this song and about her, his son, car, house etc..


Special Fred

This is about a Spartan and his friend Special Fred (the Elite)
It's about all the dumb things he does. Cause he's "special". (Like we are)
In the end, he becomes special too. See why.


300 Music Video

This is ub3r cool. They used 300 Footage with Breaking Benjamin's Blow Me Away.
The song was originally produced in the Halo 2 Soundtrack.
The lyrics, timing, everything ROCKS. Excellent. Kicks ass.
You gotta watch it. (Knowing the lyrics beforehand may be better)


300 Techno Remixes

These are...well, it's stated.
See for yourself.



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