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Forenote: [JA]
Never Mind.
The post has been postponed.
HAHAHAHA. Lame joke.

Here are some jokes.

What did the dick say to the condom?

"Cover me, I'm going in"

A homeless man lived in a park.
He had no clothes.

One day, a little girl came up and pointed at his dick.
"What's that?" she asked.

"That's my bird" he replied.

"Can I play with it?" she asked.

"Sure", he said and drifted off to sleep.

When he woke up...
He was in a hospital.
He asked a nurse why he was there.
She told him to ask the little girl in the corner.
When he asked...

She said:

"I was playing with your bird. Suddenly, it spat at me."
"So, I cut it in half, stomped on its eggs, and burnt its nest"

THis is not spam.
Please exile me.


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